27 Memorial Ideas for Loss To Honor Loved Ones
Losing someone close is extremely difficult to process mentally, physically, and emotionally. It’s not uncommon for friends and family to want to find ways to memorialize a loved one. For example, some veteran memorials and monuments are a great way to honor loved ones who served in the armed forces.
Regardless of who they were, they were someone special, and they deserve to be honored and memorialized in a way that is meaningful to them. We’ve gathered a list of memorial ideas for loss to help you find the best way to honor your loved one’s memory.
1. Dedicate a plaque in your loved one’s name
Find a place that meant a lot to them and dedicate an engraved sign there. For example, if they loved gardening, you can commemorate your loved one through a garden plaque with a stake in a public garden. If they enjoyed walks in the park, consider adding a plaque to a public bench in the park.

Dedicating an engraved plaque or sign is a special way to honor your loved one’s memory while giving you a wonderful reminder of the special person they were. It also lets visitors see how special someplace is. Don’t just have their name engraved either; find a memorial phrase for the plaque that emphasizes who they were and what they meant to their loved ones.
2. Have a landmark named after your loved one
For permanent memorial ideas, consider naming something in memory of someone special. Consider having a landmark, such as a building, named after your loved one. Choose one that is connected or meaningful to them in some way, such as their favorite tree or the company building they built.
In any case, you can honor their memory through a building dedication ceremony, where all their loved ones can gather and remember them. During the ceremony, you can unveil a dedication plaque so that all who walk into the building, arena, or other permanent landmark can learn all about your loved one.
3. Volunteer for a cause important to them
If your loved one has a favorite non-profit or charity, consider donating your time to it. Volunteering is one of the best ways to memorialize a loved one, as it allows you to give back to the community and cause that they loved while also doing some good in the world.
4. Have a memorial plaque made in their honor
Often, when a company or city is building a new business, it asks the public if anyone would like a memorial plaque on the new building. This is a great way to memorialize your loved one, especially if the business is a non-profit they favored or a company they used to work for.

5. Raise funds for a charitable donation in their name
Along the same lines as volunteering, if there is a charitable organization that your loved one donated to frequently, donating to this charity can help you feel closer to them. Raising funds through a charity event for a worthy cause may be the best way to honor someone’s memory.
It can be as simple as running a local fundraising campaign or as elaborate as a charity concert. In any case, helping your loved one’s community in their name is one of the most precious things you can do to honor them.
6. Use a biodegradable urn that will grow flowers and trees
Taking a step further than planting a tree, if your loved one was cremated, consider using a biodegradable urn that can grow flowers, trees, and other plants.
This is one of the most creative ways to memorialize a loved one, especially if they were passionate about the environment. It lets them give something back to the planet while having a beautiful tree or flower garden represent their final resting place.
7. Annually light a candle or say a prayer in their honor
An ongoing ritual memorializing your loved one can help you keep their memory alive. Lighting a candle or saying a prayer in their memory with other loved ones gathered on their birthday, day of passing, or other significant day can be a loving way to honor that person.
8. Plant a tree in their honor
Planting a tree is another great way to honor your loved one’s memory. Planting a tree in your yard or in a public space gives back to the world and creates a long-lasting memorial. Year over year, you’ll be able to see it grow, and you can allow it to carry their memory.

Don’t keep the memorial tree to yourself—include a plaque identifying who the tree was planted for. Include pertinent information like their birth and death dates or make it more personal with a favorite quote.
9. Do something from their bucket list
Many people have a list of things they want to do before their time comes, usually called a bucket list. If your loved one had one and they didn’t finish it, consider doing something or completing it for them. Doing something on your loved one’s bucket list can help you feel connected to them. It gives you a deeper understanding of the things they loved and enjoyed.
10. Release lanterns or butterflies in their memory
Releasing a lantern or butterflies is a time-honored tradition deeply rooted in ancient traditions. Releasing butterflies is an ancient tradition symbolizing transformation and commemorating the cycle of life.
Lanterns and their use for memorialization likely originated from the Lantern Festival in ancient China. The lantern acts like a guiding light that helps the soul ascend and journey into the afterlife.
This is a special and creative way to memorialize a loved one — just make sure you do your homework. Review laws and regulations about which butterflies you can release and where, and learn about sky lantern regulations and safety.
11. Commemorate them with an annual dinner
For close family and loved ones, having an annual memorial dinner can help keep treasured memories alive. It lets everyone come together and enjoy each other’s company with good food and drinks while you all memorialize someone at the same time.
If they had a favorite restaurant or were a regular customer somewhere local, gather everyone together for a memorial meal. Or have a potluck and get everyone to cook their favorite dishes. Whatever you decide, it’s a great excuse to connect with everyone and keep the good times going.
12. Put together a scrapbook
Scrapbooking is an amazing way to remember good times, and it’s also an amazing memorial idea. Use pictures, sayings, important events, fun memories, and more when you create a scrapbook dedicated to them. Get creative with it and have an entire scrapbooking party with your loved ones, other friends, and family.
13. Write songs or poetry or write a journal
Creating songs or poetry is another great way to remember and memorialize your loved ones in writing. Even if you haven’t written before, this could be a great opportunity to express your feelings. A dedicated journal where you write about your loved one, or even write letters to them, can be an emotional release and a beautiful memorial.

14. Create art with grieving family and friends
Being creative is a great way to express yourself. Creating art with family members and friends is a great coping strategy that memorializes your loved one. Doing a project together allows you to share memories and provide support with other friends and family while doing something fun. You can even make it an annual event.
15. Paint memorial rocks and place them in their favorite places
Creating memorial rocks for loved ones is another creative way to remember your loved one. Paint some rocks with words of advice or phrases your loved one used to live by. Once you paint the rocks, scatter them throughout town for others to find.
16. Create jewelry from their ashes
Using your loved one’s ashes to make a piece of jewelry is one of the most popular and creative ways to honor someone. It’s a way to create beauty out of heartache while keeping them close to you. You can also make the jewelry a family heirloom that you can pass down through generations.
17. Make a memory quilt
A memory quilt is a great way to remember your loved one while creating an amazing work of art. There are several online shops where you can get a quilt made with pictures of your loved ones or even make one yourself. If you have some of their old clothes, you could also make a quilt out of them.
18. Dedicate a park bench at their favorite park
Whether it’s a memorial for a friend or family, dedicating a park bench to their favorite park is a great way to honor someone’s memory. It gives something back to the community and creates a lifelong memorial for your loved one. Add a plaque to the park bench so you and everyone who uses the bench can know of your loved one.

19. Create a photo wall in your home
A dedicated photo wall is a great way to keep your loved one close because you can see their face every day. Frame your favorite memories with them, and call others to share their favorite pictures as well. You can even add signs to the different pictures so anyone can read about your favorite times together.
20. Get a memorial tattoo
In true millennial fashion, getting a memorial tattoo is a wonderful and permanent way to remember your loved one. You could get a tattoo that they were going to get but never did or a tattoo of something that reminds you of them.
In any case, having something close to you that you can remember them by is a wonderful memorial idea. You’ll have something meaningful to you that you’ll always remember them by. Plus, tattoos are cool, and having one with a special meaning just makes you that much cooler.
21. Create a scholarship in their name
You can create and fund a scholarship in their name at the high school where they graduated from. Each year, a student who wins a competition or has proven academic excellence will receive the scholarship in your loved one’s memory.
22. Create a memorial social media page or website
Create a social media profile in their honor. You could name it “Friends of ( Loved One’s Name)” “Remembering (Loved One’s Name),” or something similar. It can have photos, information about their life, places they frequented, charities they donated to — the possibilities are endless with a website in their honor.
Their loved ones will have an easy way to share and discover pictures and memories while connecting everyone who loved them together.
23. Curate a playlist of their favorite songs
This is a great way to memorialize your loved one if they were a big music fan. Use their favorite songs to create a playlist for their friends and family. Share it with the world so others can hear what great music they listened to.
25. Make a time capsule
One great way to remember your loved one is to make a time capsule that’s filled with all the things you associate with them. You can open it on your loved one’s birthday or once a certain amount of time has passed. Whatever the case, it’s a way to honor their memory while looking forward to doing something still involving them.

Most time capsules are buried. Don’t forget where the time capsule is — mark it with a plaque with your loved one’s name, the date the time capsule was installed, and when it should be unearthed.
25. Produce a documentary of their life
For cinephiles and film lovers, consider producing a documentary about their life. Making it out of home videos, interviews, and photos is a great way to memorialize a loved one. Get everyone your loved one knew involved in the project by sharing videos and recording talking heads discussing their happy memories with them.
When it’s completed, rent a screen or gather everyone at a house or venue to watch the finished product. Together, you can all create a commemorative piece and celebrate your loved one every time you watch it.
26. Visit their resting place
Of course, one of the best ways to memorialize your loved one is perhaps the simplest: visiting their final resting place. Take the time to visit where they rest and remember who they were and all the good memories you share with them. Take others who were close to them with you so you can all pay respects to them.
27. Watch their favorite movie
Honoring someone who has died can be as simple as watching their favorite movie. You can learn a lot about a person based on their favorite movie. Watching your recently passed loved one’s preferred flick can give you another appreciation of their interests. Plus, a movie night with great snacks with loved ones is a great time for everyone, and bonus points for doing it to remember your friend or family member.
Memorialize your loved one with signage
Losing a close loved one is difficult, no matter how much time has passed. You want to honor their memory with something respectful and meaningful. Impact Signs can help you find exactly what you’re looking for.
No matter how you decide to remember them, Impact Signs can help you out. Get a custom quote for a memorial sign or plaque for your loved one, and we’ll take care of the rest. All you need to do is focus on remembering them.