Crealta Pharmaceutical’s New Office Reception Sign
When customers come into your business, you want to convey a message. That message could be professionalism, creativity, assurance, or any other number of feelings you wish to invoke. If you’re not actively creating the message, your customers and clients could be receiving one anyway.
One of the quickest and easiest ways to convey such a message is through a strong reception sign. Crafting the perfect opening statement for your company through a sign can give an instant boost to your business every time someone walks through the door. As soon as they see the sign they see how professional, creative, or secure you are, depending on what your message is.
Crealta Pharmaceuticals needed such a sign for their lobby. They needed their customers to know what kind of company they were dealing with when they walked in: professional, secure, but with a hint of the health and creativity involved with the medicinal field.
As you can see, the logo they have for the company evokes such feelings. The crisp, sharp stainless steel shows the strength of the company to endure, giving customers an idea of the hardiness of the company. The bright, healthy green shows the caregiving aspect of the company, with the accent mark above the first “e” signifying that this is above everything else, while the sea blue evokes a feeling of calmness.
So it’s definitely a strong logo, and we were determined to make a sign honoring it. Our fabricated stainless steel design shows the logo in all its glory, creating a unique view when visitors walk into the door.
This logo also happens to look great on the front desk of the office. Here you can see it in all its glory, complete with beautiful plans to accentuate the amazing baked enamel painted gloss finish coloring.
This sign is a glass panel with cut stainless steel letters assembled to the panel. It’s mounted to the curved reception desk with custom machined stand-off hardware that really makes it pop out to anyone who sees it. Notice how it interacts with the lines of the desk for a further 3D effect.
The resilience of the materials we used to create the signs means Crealta Pharmaceuticals will enjoy them for years to come. Considering how active they’ve been in growing their company over the past few years, they will be signs many returning and brand new customers will see.